Commitment + Awareness

Environmental, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance Policy lie at the core of Cabot’s ongoing business practices.

our commitment

Cabot promotes a culture of regulatory compliance, social and environmental awareness, and employee well-being as a matter of sound business practices and responsible citizenry.

Our Board of Directors is committed to advancing initiatives company-wide and the ESG Committee is comprised of senior professionals across the firm who report on progress and implementation. Our work is not complete and we are committed to making continual progress in alignment with our employees, tenants, and investors.

Objectives + Recent Actions

We are committed to the goals outlined below:

Select Objectives

  • Promote a work environment that emphasizes integrity, fairness, and respect for all employees
  • Implement cost-effective and practical solutions to reduce energy consumption, water usage, and waste disposal
  • Develop properties to the highest environmental standard set by local authorities
  • Foster employee growth through goal setting, objective feedback, and mentoring
  • Encourage employees to conduct business to the highest ethical standard
  • Provide transparency to investors and clients regarding ESG commitment and actions

Recent Actions

  • Participated in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
  • Partnered with Goby, a leading ESG platform and consulting service
  • Implemented certain ‘Green Lease’ provisions into standard lease forms
  • Developed properties to CalGreen, BREEAM, and DGNB gold certification
  • Established a Women’s Mentoring Circle
  • Conducted firmwide unconscious bias training
  • Implemented executive coaching programs
  • Emphasis on increasing diversity through recruiting

Social Responsibility

Community Volunteering

Charitable Activities

Corporate Matching